Crop Health Monitoring

Drones can be implemented in Agriculture sector, to provide real tie information of the crops from the seedling stage to harvest stage, which helps the farmers to keep track of progression of crop, take active measures, when the crops are infected by pest, Insect, or any other natural calamities.

Crop Damage Assessment

SenseImage has skilled drone pilots that can collect high-resolution data that can be used to measure and document crop damage caused by unforeseeable events, and so on. The output rendered from drone raw data as 2D or 3D orthomosaic help farmers comprehend and discover new ways to boost agricultural yields while reducing crop damage.

Crop Stress Analysis

With the help of multispectral camera or standard camera as a payload of the drones/ UAVs, we can identify the identify the disease and stress inflicted on the crop, that provide countermeasures to overcome.

Crop Stress Analysis

Drones can be used to identify and count the no of crops with the help of high precision photography taken from the standard camera which has been used as a payload for the drone.

Benefits of Using Drones in Agriculture